Halloween and fall are by far my favorite time of year! I’m really excited to get in the Halloween spirit with this fun DIY Pumpkin Pail or as I like to call it Jack-o-Bling. Why not add glitter and rhinestones to everything every time you can? Whether or not you can go trick-or-treating this year it’s still fun to dress up, and most likely if you’re like me you’ve already bought your Halloween candy (you know just in case, wink, wink). So for sure, your candy needs a fancy bucket!

I’m so thrilled with the way it turned out! You know when you imagine something and then it turns out exactly the way you imagined? Yeah, that’s how this was. I love it!
DIY Pumpkin Pail Video Tutorial
So if you don’t want to have the same pumpkin pail as everyone else, give yours a bling-over with this super fun and easy tutorial. Check out the video to see all the details in the full tutorial.
Supply List:
- Plastic pumpkin pail
- Black acrylic paint
- Black glitter
- Matte Mod Podge
- Red rhinestones
- Red velvet for lining
- Satin ribbon
- Black pipe cleaners
- Black tulle
- Scissors
- Paintbrushes
- Hot glue

While I was making this project I started thinking about different versions, colors, and fun ways to mix this up. Instead of black glitter, you could use orange or purple. Also if you’re not into the rhinestones for the eyes you could use glitter in your color of choice. There are always fun alternatives and options to make it your own! Have fun with it!

If you’re looking for more Halloween DIY inspiration be sure to check out this page for some fun projects and spooky inspiration.
What are your plans for Halloween this year? Will you be able to trick-or-treat where you live? I think we’re pretty much safer at home in my neck of the woods, so most likely we’ll be dressed up, eating candy, and watching scary movies.
Please be responsible and stay safe!
To see more DIY video tutorials be sure to check out my YouTube channel and subscribe to stay updated when I post new videos! Thanks!